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Request for Proposal For Evaluation of Teach for Bulgaria

Request for Proposal For Evaluation of Teach for Bulgaria

America for Bulgaria Foundation (ABF) is issuing a Request for Proposal for the development of an evaluation methodology and conducting an evaluation of the impact of the Teach for Bulgaria (TFB) program since inception in 2010 and analysis of TFB’s efficiency to date and its sustainability prospects for the future. ABF is soliciting responses from organizations (companies and NGOs) or consortia with experience in sociological research practices and results-based impact evaluation.  The submissions of all Respondents shall be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Adherence to solution requirements and appeal of proposed solutions;
  • Significant experience in testing and measuring student achievement;            
  • Knowledge of alternative teaching methods and practices, particularly with Teach for All partner organizations across the globe or at least TFB;
  • Strong knowledge of education sector structures, systems, and policies in Bulgaria;
  • Knowledge of the issues of the economically disadvantaged population in Bulgaria;
  • Experience in sample design, devising qualitative and quantitative methodology and implementing social studies and impact evaluations;
  • Experience in evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency of foundations.

Proposals should include:

  • A cover letter;
  • A description of the proposed approach/methodology for  carrying out the assignment;
  • Statement of Qualification of the Organization, including samples of relevant previous pieces of work, and contact list for tentative recommendations;
  • Staff qualifications (CVs of the proposed key experts);
  • Detailed Cost Proposal in USD broken down in categories;
  • Conflict of interest disclosure.


The deadline for submission of proposals is 6:00 p.m. Sofia time on May 4, 2016. 

Request for Proposal For Evaluation of Teach for Bulgaria

Източник: America for Bulgaria Foundation , 04 април 2016 г.

Сходни публикации

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