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Participation of Lyubov Mironova in the management of NGOs


FRUD - Foundation Parents Teachers Children

Region: Sofiya
Town: София
Type: Foundation
Field of activity: Education; Children; Community center activities
Official representative: Lyubov Mironova
Members of the Board: 1. Lyubov Mironova – Predsedatel Na Pk Na Frud, 2. Mariya Donkova – Chlen Na Pk Na Frud, 3. Nikolina Nedyalkova – Chlen Na Pk Na Frud, 4. Madlena Levi-primo – Chlen Na Pk Na Frud, 5. Emil Magriso – Chlen Na Pk Na Frud
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs: Lyubov Georgieva Mironova
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