Participation of MARYaNA BEKRIEVA in the management of NGOs
Initiative for Development Association - Kurdjali Decides
Region: KardjaliTown: Кърджали
Type: Association
Field of activity: Promotion of philanthropy/volunteerism; Education
Official representative: Rositsa Milcheva Sredkova
Members of the Board: Upravitelen Savet: Rositsa Sredkova, Vasilka Grigorova, Galina Stefanova, Mariya Popova, Mariyana Bekrieva
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Galina Petrova Stefanova, Vasilka Stefanova Grigorova, Rositsa Milcheva Sredkova, Maryana Kostadinova Bekrieva, Mariya Dimitrova Popova