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Participation of NIKOLAJ NENOV in the management of NGOs



Region: Pazardjik
Town: Пазарджик
Type: Association
Field of activity: Arts and culture
Official representative: Regionalen Istoricheski Muzej-pazardjik, Predstavlyavan Ot Boris Emilov Hadjijski
Members of the Board: Regionalen Istoricheski Muzej – Pazardjik, Predstavlyavan Ot Boris Emilov Hadjijski, Regionalen Istoricheski Muzej – Ruse, Predstavlyavan Ot Nikolaj Ivanov Nenov, Regionalen Istoricheski Muzej – Varna, Predstavlyavan Ot Valentin Georgiev Pletnyov, Natsionalen Voennoistoricheski Muzej - Sofiya, Predstavlyavan Ot Sonya Borisova Penkova, Regionalen Istoricheski Muzej–veliko Tarnovo, Predstavlyavan Ot Ivan Dimitrov Tsarov
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Boris Emilov Hadjijski, Nikolaj Ivanov Nenov, Valentin Georgiev PletnЬov, Sonya Borisova Penkova, Ivan Dimitrov Tsarov

Bulgarian Hayek Society

Region: Sofiya
Town: гр.София
Type: Association
Field of activity: Professional organizations
Official representative: Nikolaj Nenov Nenovski, Dimitar Pandushev Chobanov, Rumen Lyubenov Andreev
Members of the Board: Nikolaj Nenov Nenovski, Dimitar Pandushev Chobanov, Rumen Lyubenov Andreev, Pencho Denchev Penchev
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Nikolaj Nenov Nenovski, Dimitar Pandushev Chobanov, Rumen Lyubenov Andreev, Pencho Penchev

‘Ongal’ Association of Anthropology, Ethnology and Folklore Studies

Region: Sofiya
Town: София
Type: Association
Field of activity: Arts and culture; Youth issues, policies and research; Education
Official representative: Rosen Rosenov Malchev
Members of the Board: Rosen Rosenov Malchev – Glaven Sekretar, Konstantin Zvezdomirov Rangochev – Sekretar, Nikolaj Ivanov Nenov – Sekretar

Open Society Club - Ruse

Region: Ruse
Town: Русе
Type: Association
Field of activity: Legislation, advocacy, public policies; Youth issues, policies and research; Education
Official representative: Lora Aram Sarkisyan
Members of the Board: Upravitelen Savet: Nikolaj Ivanov Nenov, Jechka Marinova Kalinova, Margarit Petkov Vutov, Eleonora Ivanova Cherkezova, Dimitar Georgiev Lipovanski, Miglena Kancheva Parashkevova, Hristo Obretenov Tsvetkov
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Margarit Petkov Vutov, Nikolaj Ivanov Nenov, Miglena Kancheva Parashkevova


Region: Varna
Town: Варна
Type: Association – sports club/federation
Field of activity: Arts and culture; Physical education and sport
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Nedelcho Gerginov Jordanov, Aleksandar Ivanov Mokanov, Petar Dimitrov Dojchinov, Diron Lyubomirov Rasovski, Krasimir Minkov Marinov, Nikolaj Petkov Nenov, Aleksi Ivanov Aleksiev
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