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Participation of RADOSLAV ChERKEZOV in the management of NGOs


Club of Non-Governmental Organisations – Targovishte

Region: Targovishte
Town: Търговище
Type: Association
Field of activity: Ethnic issues; Development of local communities; Social
Official representative: Nevena Madjarova
Members of the Board: Nevena Madjarova, Emiliya Dimitrova, Radoslav Cherkezov, Bonka Petkova, Valentinka Radeva
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Radoslav Ivanov Cherkezov, Bonka Ilieva Petkova, Dorina Jordanova Kostadinova, Emiliya Dimitrova Balukova, Nevena Angelova Madjarova


Region: Targovishte
Town: Търговище
Type: Association
Field of activity:
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Donka Veselinova Radichkova, Radoslav Ivanov Cherkezov, Dimitar Nikolov Daskalov
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