Participation of ROZETA MARINOVA in the management of NGOs
Regionalen tsentar za podpomagane na stopanskite predpriemachi
Region: PlevenTown: Плевен
Type: Association
Field of activity: International and European issues, policies and research; Economic development; Education
Official representative: Penka Spasova
Members of the Board: Upravitelen Savet: Penka Georgieva Spasova, Daniela Peneva, Todor Karadjov
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Penka Georgieva Spasova, Nikolaj Borisov Kanchev, Ichko Hristov Ichev, Rumen Tsvetanov Yankov, Rozeta Atanasova Marinova