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Participation of YaNINA TANEVA in the management of NGOs


Ideas Factory Association

Region: Sofiya
Town: гр.София
Type: Association
Field of activity: Arts and culture; Youth issues, policies and research; Development of local communities
Official representative: Yanina Taneva
Members of the Board: Upravitelen Savet: Yanina Ivanova Taneva, Veselin Angelov Paskalev, Nadejda Simeonova Maksimova, Mira Ivanova Aleksandrova, Vanya Bonkova Boneva, Kristina Mite Gatsova, Benita Nisim Primo, Dian Marinov Manolov
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Yanina Ivanova Taneva, Veselin Angelov Paskalev, Nadejda Simeonova Maksimova, Mira Ivanova Aleksandrova, Vanya Bonkova Boneva, Kristina Mite Gatsova, Benita Nisim Primo


Region: Sofiya
Town: София
Type: Foundation
Field of activity: Arts and culture
Board members as per Central Registry of Public Benefit NGOs as of January 2016: Georgi Emilov Mavrov, Sibina Nikolaeva Eftenova - Mavrova, Yanina Ivanova Taneva
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