Стаж в Генералния секретариат на Съвета на Европейския съюз
24 януари 2018 г.
Different types of traineeship
1. Paid traineeships
The General Secretariat of the Council (GSC) offers around 100 paid traineeships a year to EU nationals who, by the deadline for submitting applications, have completed at least the first part of their university studies and have a degree certificate or equivalent.
Traineeships are split into 2 different periods, each lasting 5 months:
- 1 February to 30 June (first period)
- 1 September to 31 January (second period)
2. Compulsory unpaid traineeships
The GSC offers around 20 unpaid traineeships per year. These traineeships are for third, fourth or fifth year university students who have to do a compulsory training period as part of their course.
Traineeships are split into 2 different periods, each lasting from 2 to 5 months:
- 1 February to 30 June
- 1 September to 31 January
- 1 February - 30 June traineeship: deadline for applications is 1 October of the preceding year; the selection procedure takes place in October - December
- 1 September - 31 January traineeship: deadline for applications is 1 April of the same year; the selection procedure takes place in April- June.
Източник: www.consilium.europa.eu , 24 януари 2018 г.