English   14427 НПО

Регионален семинар за синя икономика „Към общ морски дневен ред за Черно море"


Following the 2018 Burgas Ministerial Declaration towards a Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea, the Facility for Blue Growth is pleased to announce the Regional stakeholder seminar on blue economy. The seminar will take place on 19 March 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey.

The Seminar is organised with the support of the European Commission and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, Permanent International Secretariat (BSEC PERMIS).

Following a series of national roundtables in various Black Sea coastal countries, we would like to hear your views on areas of mutual interest and the actions needed to support the blue economy in the region.

The discussions will be organised around the following topics:

  • Research and innovation;
  • Maritime connectivity;
  • Fisheries and aquaculture;
  • Sustainability;
  • Coastal and maritime tourism;
  • Blue careers and skills;

The seminar will gather policy experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and regional organisations to debate on the challenges and opportunities for cooperation on marine and maritime affairs in the Black Sea. We will also seek to identify joint actions to support an innovative, resilient and sustainable blue economy in the region.

Stay tuned for updates on the preparation of the Regional Seminar!  Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Източник: https://blackseablueconomy.eu/ , 04 февруари 2019 г.