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Конкурс за медийни награди по темата за миграцията


The Call for submissions for the Migration Media Award, aimed at showcasing and awarding journalistic excellence in the Euro-Mediterranean region, has just been launched. It is for the third time that journalists reporting on migration have the chance to receive the EU-funded award.

The Call for submissions for the Migration Media Award, aimed at showcasing and awarding journalistic excellence in the Euro-Mediterranean region, has just been launched. It is for the third time that journalists reporting on migration have the chance to receive the EU-funded award.

  • Diaspora 
  • Labour migration 
  • Vulnerable groups 
  • Legal and irregular migration 

Criteria for applicants: 

  1. The entry must be submitted in one of the 3 languages of the Award scheme: English, French or Arabic. Stories in other languages from the Euro Mediterranean region must be accompanied by a translation into either English, French or Arabic. 
  2. Multiple entries are accepted in separate and complete applications in the following formats: video, radio, print, online, multimedia and photo. 
  3. Mid to long length formats are requested and therefore short news items will not be eligible. 
  4. A budget to produce the second story must be submitted along with copyright waiver and a letter of intent from a media outlet to publish it.

Please note that candidates may not submit a story already supported by the MMA 2017 and 2018. 

Interested applicants should check the Eligibility & Application section of the www.migration-media-award.eu prior to applying. In case of any questions, kindly contact us on: contact@migration-media-award.eu . 

This award is a collaboration of the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), funded programs Euromed Migration IV, implemented by the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), and the Open Media Hub, led by the Thomson Foundation, in partnership with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Malta and the European Asylum Support Office (EASO), and with the support of the European Investment Bank (EIB). 

Download the call for applications in ARABIC, ENGLISH and FRENCH.

Източник: www.icmpd.org , 26 март 2019 г.