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Европейски регионален форум за образование, език и човешки права на малцинствата ще се проведе в Брюксел


Brussels-Bruxelles, Belgium

6 – 7 May 2019


The rights of linguistic minorities are human rights that must be respected, including in relation to the appropriate degree of use of minority languages. Education deals with what is perhaps the central linguistic right of minorities, and is also fundamental to the maintenance of linguistic diversity. A language that is not taught is a language that will ultimately vanish. The benefits of education in the mother language are now fairly well established scientifically through studies of minority children in different parts of the world.[1]

In his first report to the UN General Assembly in New York in October 2017, the Special Rapporteur on minority issues (Special Rapporteur), Dr Fernand de Varennes, presented education and the language of minorities as one of the four thematic priorities of his new Human Rights Council mandate. At the November 2018 11th UN Forum on Minority Issues (Forum) in Geneva, the Special Rapporteur confirmed that this topic would be the focus of the 12th session of the Forum in 2019. He also announced at the November 2018 Forum that three regional forums would be organised in 2019 to make the Forum more accessible and responsive to regional contexts and realities.


Three regional forums are to be convened on the topic of education in, and teaching of, minority languages. Their main aim is to provide regional insights for the development of a set of guidelines or a technical handbook focusing on education in, and teaching of, minority languages. Discussions at the forums will also inform the recommendations of the 12th session of the UN Forum in 2019.

Other objectives include:

  • Raising awareness of the ways in which the education in, and the teaching of, minority languages is anchored in international human rights obligations;
  • Providing a platform for more informal exchange on practical challenges of minority language education in Europe among various stakeholders;
  • Identifying and discussing the central issues of topical concern related to education and minority languages in Europe;
  • Amplifying the voices of minority communities in assessing and improving minority language education policies and offering expert input into their specific concerns.


The Forum shall be open to the participation of states; intergovernmental organisations including United Nations agencies and mechanisms; national human rights institutions and other relevant national bodies; academics and experts on minority issues; representatives of minorities as well as civil society organisations specialising in minority issues.

All individual participants must register online here.  Registration opens on 19th March 2019 and closes on Monday, 15 April 2019.  All participants registered will require approval, which will be confirmed by email.  The confirmation email will contain a QR code. This code will need to be scanned upon your arrival.

All travel related-expenses, visas, accommodation and insurances are the responsibility of the participants.  However, there is limited funding for a small number of participants, covering their travel, accommodation, subsistence and visas.  If you require funding, please submit a request to regionalforum@tomlantosinstitute.hu.

Participation at the European Regional Forum is limited to 300 individuals.

Areas of Discussion

Източник: https://tomlantosinstitute.h , 10 април 2019 г.