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From Facebook to Entrepreneurship - младежки обмен във Фагараш, Румъния

From Facebook to Entrepreneurship - младежки обмен във Фагараш, Румъния
26/11/2019 - 07/12/2019
Youth Exchange: From Facebook to Entrepreneurship
Venue: Făgăraș, Romania
Host NGO: Miez Association
Participating countries: Bulgaria, Turkey, Poland, Portugal and Romania.
Number of participants: 7 participants + 1 group leader per organization.
Age limit: 15-21, Group leader: 18+, no age limit

Summary of the project:
Through this project, we aim to develop the entrepreneur spirit through Facebook network for a total of 40 young people that come from 5 different countries: Romania, Turkey, Poland, Portugal, Bulgaria, during the 12 days of activities by involving them in non-formal educational activities..

- acquiring competences and skills for using the Internet for disadvantaged young people;
- Increase the degree of inclusion for 40 young people from 5 countries over 12 days spent together;
- increasing the degree of information, knowing the advantages, disadvantages of the Internet, presentation of some models / pseudomodels of each country for 40 young people from 5 partner countries, as well as knowledge of alternative techniques for spending free time;
- increasing the degree of knowledge about what volunteering means, models of good practice, development of personal skills depending on the skills, inclinations of each participant;
- the knowledge and the possibility of the subsequent use of 4 non-formal education techniques: the Living Library,
Non-formal education techniques used are: Café Public, Living Library, Debate, Photovoice.

Публикувано от:

Ай Eм Ю Пийс Глобал

Сходни публикации

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