Alternatives to Migrant Detention | CROSS-BORDER ONLINE ROUND TABLE
28 ноември 2024 г.
A wide public debate on alternatives to the current migration institutions, policies and practices is of key importance for achieving awareness about the challenges faced by migrants and refugees, and for ensuring the security and protection of interests of a cross-border democratic community without contradicting the protection of human rights and human values in general.
The main driver for this discussion are the ongoing struggles of refugees in Bulgaria, which have mobilized a wide wave of solidarity and support. While it is imperative to address the individual cases of blatant disregard to human rights taking place in detention centres in Bulgaria, such or similar institutional practices are common across Europe, which is still considered a safe haven by many fleeing war, conflict, political persecution, climate disasters, social or economic precarity. Instead, these human beings in distress are "welcomed" in detention and threatened with deportation.
In the upcoming round table, we will have the opportunity to discuss community-based alternatives, such as activist-run solidarity shelter networks and community sponsorship programmes that allow local organisations or host families to sponsor migrants, providing them with shelter, financial support and help towards their social inclusion. This type of support has the potential to create mechanisms that will allow migrants to avoid detention, with all its negative impact on mental and medical well-being, as well as on the social and economic security of the detainees; while ensuring that a support system and adaptation to local living conditions is in place. We will also have the opportunity to talk about alternative administrative measures, such as the issuing of humanitarian visas, which allow migrants to remain temporarily in a country without the need for detention while their asylum or other legal status applications are processed.
We will open the round-table with a series of short statements by activists engaged in migrant support and solidarity actions in several European countries. We will also hear first-hand accounts by migrants who are currently struggling with Bulgarian institutions. Everyone with interest and experience in the topic is welcome to join the round table and contribute to the discussion - the topic is of major significance and will benefit immensely from the variety in input.
Please register, and you will receive the link to join the round table in your inbox:
The event will be in English.
The round table is co-organized by the Orion Grid, Migrant Solidarity Bulgaria and Food not Bombs Sofia.
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