English   14427 НПО

Филмова прожекция организирана от Правна клиника за бежанци и имигранти и Френския културен институт

Заповядайте на филмовата прожекция, организирана от Правната клиника за бежанци и имигранти и Френския културен институт в град София на 20 юни 2012г., от 19 часа! Вход свободен!

On the occasion of World Refugee Day, the Legal Clinic for Refugees and Immigrants and the French Institute of Bulgaria invite you to a projection-information on the role of citizens in welcoming immigrants and asylum seekers.

After a brief presentation of the Clinic and an introduction of the citizen's role in the reception of migrants, the movie WELCOME to by Philippe Lioret will be projected. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1314280/)

The film speaks with humanity and realism the friendship story between a young Kurdish refugee and a swimming instructor.

The cross stories, who are depicted, invite us to realize the hopes and difficulties that asylum seekers feel.

20 of June 2012
7pm - Institute fran?ais of Bulgaria, 2 Diakon Ignatii, Sofia

Free entrance - General audience movie, with English subtitles

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