English   14426 НПО

Cross-national peer exchanges for Community Foundations

Срок за кандидатстване: до 31.05.2016 г.

Call for Applications for CF2CF Exchanges offered by European Community Foundation Initiative (ECFI) is open.  The first deadline for applications is May 31, 2016.

CF2CF Exchanges are bilateral, cross-national peer exchanges open to all CFs and CF support organizations (CFSOs), with an emphasis on national associations. The full description of the CF2CF Exchange can be found here

How does it work? Several people from one organization visit and interact with several people from a CF or CFSO from another country in Europe and use the visit to forge relationships, exchange experience and learn from each others practice.

The visit (or, where funds permit, potentially reciprocal or repeated visits) is intended to allow the two CFs or CFSOs to get to know one another better and create a chance for a longer-term relationship or partnership building.  We believe, that it is the relationship that matters. We hope that these exchanges will contribute towards strengthening ties among CFs and CF Support Organizations in Europe and will support peer learning and knowledge transfer.

The typical duration of the CF2CF Exchange is envisaged to be 3-5 days. We encourage applicants to be creative in the design of the program. Low-cost solutions and in-kind or additional financial support from the organizations involved are encouraged. Exchange activities may be proposed to begin from mid June 2016.

The program can offer up to a 5,000 EUR contribution per application. In this year it is expected that the available funding will allow for support of 2-3 CF2CF exchanges. Applicants are encouraged to find other sources of funding or an in-kind way of funding some of the needed costs.

Applications will be assessed by a Selection Committee using these criteria:
  • Coherence of the application, quality of rationale
    Potential contribution to long-term relationship building
    Relevance of proposed process (agenda) to the goal of the CF2CF
    Quality of the proposed process of the CF2CF activities

Interested organizations must fill in the on-line CF2CF Exchange Application Form.