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Call for Small Grant Applications: "For Roma, with Roma"

Срок за кандидатстване: до 30.05.2016 г.
"For Roma, with Roma" – Roma and Sinti youth promoting grassroots engagement, public and political participation, and enhancing security of Roma and Sinti communities.

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe`s (OSCE) Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) is publishing a call for small grant applications "For Roma, with Roma" to promote grassroots engagement, public and political participation, and enhancing security of Roma and Sinti communities under its Roma and Sinti Youth Initiative.

The ODIHR initiative seeks to support capacity-building programmes for Roma and Sinti organizations and the empowerment of Roma and Sinti communities. In particular, the active participation of Roma and Sinti youth remains an OSCE priority, as outlined in the Action Plan for Improving the Situation of Roma and Sinti within the OSCE Area, adopted in 2003, and enhanced in 2013 with a focus on youth in the OSCE Ministerial Council Decision 4/13.

In 2013, the Contact Point on Roma and Sinti Issues launched the Roma and Sinti Youth Initiative, and provided small grants to NGOs to address challenges that Roma and Sinti youth encounter in their everyday life. In December 2014, ODIHR organized a two-day Roma and Sinti Youth Conference in Belgrade. Participants explored themes that continue to be the focus of the current Roma and Sinti Youth Initiative. The report of the conference was published in 2015, together with six papers by young Roma and Sinti activists and scholars. Additionally, ODIHR invited a group of young Roma and Sinti to the 2015 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, organized a side event on the participation of Roma and Sinti youth, and training on participation and advocacy for young Roma and Sinti.

Who can apply?

Legally constituted non-governmental organizations from the OSCE region with a proven record of involvement in Roma and Sinti youth development activities are eligible for this call for project proposals. Roma and Sinti youth and student organizations from OSCE participating States are encouraged to apply. ODIHR will accept one application per organization only. The applicant organizations must have legally registered bank accounts.

Thematic areas

The focus themes addressed by the current call for proposals are the following:

  • Empowerment and social inclusion of Roma and Sinti communities through youth activism;
  • Public and political participation of Roma and Sinti youth; and
  • Roma and Sinti youth engagement to address the human security of their communities.

Gender mainstreaming

In line with the 2003 OSCE Action Plan on Improving the Situation of Roma and Sinti within the OSCE Area, all objectives and activities must include gender mainstreaming actions.

Types of supported interventions

The proposals are expected to focus, in the respective areas, on issues such as:

  • Promotion of youth grassroots engagement and volunteerism in communities;
  • Innovation in cultural activities and information campaigns by Roma and Sinti youth groups promoting access to local services;
  • Activities enhancing human security of vulnerable Roma and Sinti communities (within the cross-dimensional understanding of security, addressing the politico-military, economic and environmental and human dimension), and particularly women from these communities, especially in crisis and post-crisis situations. Possible themes could range from transnational threats – such as trafficking or international crime – to economic development, tolerance and non-discrimination, hate crimes, forced evictions and minority rights;
  • Education for Roma and Sinti community members, in particular Roma and Sinti women;
  • Civic education initiatives for Roma and Sinti youth in vulnerable communities; and
  • Innovation in information campaigns on public and political participation (e.g., use of social media tools).

Duration and timeframe

Accepted proposals are expected to start implementation on 1 July 2016 and complete the project by 31 December 2016, for the duration of six months, maximum.


Project proposals should be in the range of 5,000-10,000 EUR. The following category of costs can be considered: personnel, travel, accommodation, supplies and assets. All costs proposed must be borne directly by the implementing organization and in direct connection with the project activities. Overhead administrative costs are not eligible.

How to apply

Applications should be sent in English, with the subject line "Roma and Sinti Youth Initiative", to the following e-mail address: roma@odihr.pl. The organizations whose project proposals are selected will be required to submit additional information and documentation in the contracting phase.

Deadline for applications

Applications should be sent to ODIHR no later than 30 May 2016, 5 PM CET. Applications received after this deadline will not be taken into consideration.