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European Cultural Foundation: Open Call 2018 - Courageous Citizens

Срок за кандидатстване: до 09.05.2018 г.
We are delighted to invite you – Europe`s Courageous Citizens – to submit an application to research and develop ideas around creating positive change and equality at a local, regional and/or European level. There are many examples of courageous citizens drawing on culture and creativity as a way of contributing to better ways of living together. These individuals or collectives work with their communities, peers, policy-makers or institutions, and include unheard or dissenting voices. 

The European Cultural Foundation
believes these courageous citizens can inspire the creation of models, movements and policies, acknowledging the role culture can play in making positive change. Your ideas might have the potential to develop into an inspiring project in the (near) future. 

The Research and Development Grant provides seed money that offers you the opportunity to explore new and daring concepts. We actively support your knowledge development by introducing an "Idea Incubator Workshop" as a key element of this grant scheme.

The funding period is 14 months.
Each grant will consist of a maximum of €10,000 and we can support 30 ideas-in-development.