English   14426 НПО

Call for Proposals: Monitoring, Preventing and Countering Hate Speech Online [EU]

Срок за кандидатстване: до 11.10.2018 г.

Closing Date: 11.10 2018. Funding availability for eligible organisations based in EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Serbia. Projects can be either national or transnational; must involve at least two organisations (applicant and partner); and the EU grant amount requested must be at least EUR 75 000.

Priority Areas

  • Development, studies, and analyses of the sociological landscape and trends on hate speech online
  • Developing online alternative and counter-narratives, and promoting the development of critical thinking by Internet users
  • Countering illegal hate speech online on social platforms/Internet companies, and enhancing transparency on how manifestations of hate speech are addressed in the online world, building upon the activities relating to the implementation of the 31 May 2016 EC Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online
  • Research and analysis of the sociological landscape relating to the origin and spread of hate speech on social media platforms, which build on prior studies and focus on analysis of current/new trends of forms of intolerance online and its path of dissemination (e.g. extremist ideas leading to violence or hatred against minorities)
  • Tackling online hate speech against journalists, collecting data related to online abuse against media actors and analysing its effects on the democratic debate
  • Intersectionality and multiple grounds of hatred including misogyny online and hate speech based on gender-related grounds

Priority Activities

  • Development of technology and innovative web tools preventing and countering illegal hate speech online and supporting data collection.
  • Studies analysing the source, spread, and structure of racist/xenophobic hate speech in different Member States
  • Development, dissemination and online awareness raising activities, in particular: development of online narratives promoting EU values, tolerance and respect to EU fundamental rights and fact checking activities enhancing critical thinking and awareness about accuracy of information
  • Mutual learnings and exchange of good practices
  • Capacity building and training activities
