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Intercultural Achievement Award (IAA)

Срок за кандидатстване: до 30.04.2019 г.


Once again this year, the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs awards prizes to successful and innovative projects in the field of intercultural and interreligious dialogue. We are looking forward to receiving your application until April 30th 2019 at the latest.

Intercultural projects which are active in the following thematic areas are eligible for a prize: Art/culture, Youth, Human Rights, Global Citizenship Education and Integration (the competition in Integration is open to projects based and operating in Austria exclusively).

Which prizes will be awarded?

The IAA 2019 will be awarded for the best respective project in each of these four categories:

  1. Category SUSTAINABILITY: „Best ongoing project with sustainable impact" (Prize money: EUR 10.000,-)
  2. Category RECENT EVENTS: „Best project with reference to current issues" (Prize money: EUR 5.000,-)
  3. Category INNOVATION: „Most innovative intercultural project" (Prize money: EUR 5.000,-)
  4. Category MEDIA: „Best media contribution for intercultural understanding" (Prize money: EUR 5.000,-)

For detailed application criteria, kindly refer to the Call for Projects attached. Please apply only for the categories for which your project meets the criteria.  

The laureate projects will be selected by an independent jury of experts.

Large and small projects, implemented by organizations or individuals, may apply. Projects must either be in progress, or already completed. Unfortunately, projects that are still in the planning phase cannot be considered.

Who can apply?

Non-profit organizations (including associations, foundations, social educational institutions, religious organizations) and private sector organizations can apply. Individuals are also eligible to participate. Government, science, research and international institutions are exempt from participating in the competition. Specific criteria have been formulated for each of the prize categories (please refer to the Call for Projects attached). There will be only one winner per prize category.

How can I apply?

Please complete the respective application form for your project and send it via e-mail to dialog(at)bmeia.gv.at until April 30th 2019 at the latest. Kindly note that we can only consider the following submissions:

  • The application must be completed in full and in accordance with the information given on the form.
  • The project complies with all the criteria of the category in which the application is submitted (please see Call for Projects).
  • The application reaches our mailbox by April 30th 2019.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at dialog(at)bmeia.gv.at.

We are looking forward to receiving your application and wish you every success! 

General Information on the IAA

The Intercultural Achievement Award (IAA) was launched in 2014 as a key project in intercultural dialogue by the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (BMEIA)'s Fask Force "Dialogue of Cultures", in cooperation with the Austrian embassies and cultural forums abroad. The award recognizes successful, innovative projects in the field of intercultural dialogue on the Austrian and international level. The prize is open to those who successfully embark on new paths in intercultural dialogue, who have mastered a concrete challenge through intercultural action, or who promote the dialogue between cultures and religions through media.

In addition to four international prizes in the categories of Sustainability, Recent Events, Innovation and Media, a special Integration prize will also be awarded for an innovative project based and operating in Austria. The call for projects for the IAA takes place annually in spring. The Task Force can be contacted at: dialog(at)bmeia.gv.at.

More information.