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Конкурс за наградата „Отворен Дунав 2019 - ромите в Дунавския регион"

Срок за кандидатстване: до 31.07.2019 г.

The European Danube Academy (EDA) and its partners – the Council of Danube Cities and Regions, the State Association of German Sinti and Roma Baden-Württemberg and the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg – call for applications for the Open Danube Award 2019 for small and hands-on projects around the topic of Roma Inclusion in the Danube Region.

They are seeking small and short-term projects and initiatives, which foster and promote the cultural variety of Roma within the society of the Danube Region. The project proposals could fall within the following main themes:

  • Music, Dance, Film, Photography, Visual Arts, Theatre and Literature
  • Promotion of social, cultural and linguistic identities of Roma
  • Promotion of the understanding between Roma and non-Roma, respectively reduction of stereotypes and prejudices 
  • Improvement of the social situation of Roma

Please use the online form to apply for the Open Danube Award: http://opendanube.eu/application/

In addition, these awarded projects and initiatives will be presented at the ROMNO POWER FESTIVAL on September 20th, 2019 in Ulm, Germany. The costs for travel will be covered by the European Danube Academy. Application Deadline is July 31th, 2019!

More details on their webpage.