English   14426 НПО

Поощряване интеграцията на лица, нуждаещи се от защита, чрез частни схеми за подпомагане (на английски език)

Срок за кандидатстване: от 30.07.2019 г. до 30.01.2020 г.
Fostering the integration of persons in need of protection through private sponsorship schemes


As part of the EU efforts to provide more legal channels for the growing number of displaced persons in need of international protection, the European Commission[1] invited Member States to explore ways to establish private sponsorship schemes where civil society organisations provide support for the settlement and integration for persons in need of protection. In line with the conclusions of a study recently carried out for the European Commission[2] on private sponsorship, the European Commission proposes to provide funding for fostering the integration of persons in need of protection through private sponsorship schemes.

The concept of private sponsorship is not clearly and easily defined. The above-mentioned study identified a wide range of definitions of private sponsorship and an equally varied array of practices. The number of different sponsorship schemes has proliferated across the EU and they have a wide variety of characteristics in the eligibility criteria of the sponsor and beneficiary, responsibilities of the sponsor, and in the status granted and associated rights. Private sponsorship schemes implemented to date in Europe can be divided into four main categories: humanitarian corridors; ad-hoc schemes for specific religious groups; specific family reunification schemes; and community-based sponsorship. Given the diverse range of admission schemes that have operated in Member States with a sponsorship component, sponsorship is best described as a way of admitting persons for humanitarian reasons, rather than as a separate channel itself. Private sponsorship schemes share one common characteristic: they involve a transfer of responsibility from government agencies to private actors for some elements of the identification, pre-departure, reception, or integration process of beneficiaries. With a strong involvement of local communities and civil society organisations, these schemes allow strengthened capacities at local level to provide adequate support for integration and usually lead to better integration outcomes of the persons concerned.

The use of private sponsorship is expanding within the territory of the European Union, and over the period 2013-2018 the number of persons admitted under private sponsorship in the EU exceeded 30,000, with over three quarters admitted by Germany alone (the other Member States include the United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, France, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland, and Belgium).

Topic 1 of this call for proposals focuses on one of the key objectives of private sponsorship schemes: enabling better integration prospects for private sponsorship beneficiaries.

The objectives of topic 1 of this call for proposals are to support transnational projects that:
In Member States that operate private sponsorship schemes, provide support and enhance capacity building for sponsor organisations, including new sponsor organisations, and their members (individual mentors), which take part in private sponsorship schemes and are entrusted with facilitating the integration of the beneficiaries of such schemes;
In Member States that do not yet operate private sponsorship schemes, support the design and implementation of pilot schemes on private sponsorship.
Proposals should indicate whether they relate to objective a) or b) mentioned above.


  • Technical assistance, trainings, workshops, mutual learning activities aiming at transferring and sharing knowledge on successful refugee integration through private sponsorship schemes between experienced and new sponsor organisations;
  • Create tools or platforms to facilitate the implementation of private sponsorship and the dissemination of know-how and best practices among sponsor organisations;
  • Providing technical, legal and operational support for designing and implementing a private sponsorship pilot project in a Member State that does not yet operate private sponsorship schemes, aiming at successful integration outcomes for the beneficiaries. Such support may include actions related to the development of an agreement with the Member State's authorities in charge, the selection of the beneficiaries and of the sponsor, the preparation of the departure of third-country nationals to that Member State, their transfer and their integration measures at arrival and afterwards, as well as monitoring and evaluation of the private sponsorship scheme.

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