English   14426 НПО

Транснационални проекти на страни-членки на ЕС за обучение на експерти в сферата на убежището и имиграцията (на английски език)

Срок за кандидатстване: от 30.07.2019 г. до 30.01.2020 г.
Transnational projects by Member States for training of experts in the area of asylum and immigration


In the area of asylum and migration, the national administrations of EU Member States are confronted with a wide range of different tasks and activities requiring high level of expertise. Continued training and learning opportunities for personnel are key to strengthen their knowledge and skills and ensure they will perform their job at a satisfactory level. Enhanced quality within the Member States' national asylum and migration services also contributes to the effective implementation of the Common European Asylum System.

With regard to the asylum procedure, for example, Member States shall ensure that the personnel of the national authorities that receive applications for international protection or are responsible for their examination have the appropriate knowledge and receive the necessary appropriate training. In this respect, Member States shall take into account the relevant training established and developed by the European Asylum Support Office (EASO).

In accordance with its mandate, EASO supports practical cooperation among Member States, including by establishing and developing training opportunities available to members of national administrations and national authorities responsible for asylum and reception matters. EASO's Training and Learning Strategy contributes to strengthen the implementation of the Common European Asylum System, mainly through three categories of programs: the Training Curriculum (which covers core aspects of the asylum procedure through interactive models), the Operational Training (to support Member States subject to particular pressure on their asylum and reception systems) and other relevant training initiatives, such as the development of specific training resources.

Information about the training and learning activities of EASO is available on EASO's website at: https://easo.europa.eu/training-quality.


This topic aims at supporting transnational projects that foster practical cooperation among national authorities responsible for asylum and migration matters from EU Member States, which, in the framework of the implementation of the Common European Asylum System, have similar specific training/learning needs or wish to exchange practices and experiences on training initiatives.

Funded projects should liaise with EASO at all the appropriate levels to ensure complementarity and consistency with EASO's Training and Learning Strategy and its training modules and tools.

  • Mapping of current training and learning needs of personnel dealing with asylum and reception related matters, within Member States' national asylum and reception administrations, courts and tribunals, national services which are not entirely covered by EASO training and learning activities. The mapping should take into consideration the European Sectoral Qualification Framework for asylum and reception officials developed by EASO;
  • Identification of future training and learning needs within the context of continuing professional development in Member States' national asylum and reception administrations and courts and tribunals;
  • Exploring /identifying tailored solutions for induction training, relevant for personnel not having deep knowledge/skills on asylum and reception matters within Member States' national administrations, with a view to complement the operational training provided by EASO in view of their potential deployment on the ground.

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