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Black Sea NGO Forum Mobility Fund for CSO Experts in the Black Sea Region

Срок за кандидатстване: от 01.01.2020 г. до 15.12.2020 г.

We are relaunching our ongoing Call for Applications for the Mobility Fund for CSO Experts in the Black Sea Region!

Through the Mobility Fund, we aim to encourage exchange of best practices, lessons learned, successful tools and projects that build the capacity of civil society organisations to engage in regional cooperation.

The Mobility Fund is open for applications from the 1st of January 2020 until the 15th of December 2020.

CSO representatives and experts that are interested to apply must be from one of the countries:

  • Armenia;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Belarus;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Georgia;
  • Greece;
  • Republic of Moldova;
  • Romania;
  • Russia;
  • Turkey;
  • Ukraine.

The event for which the Mobility Fund is supported must be taking place as well in one of the countries above.

Activities that we support:

  • Active participation in seminars – eg. Being a speaker/ moderator/ facilitator etc.;
  • Active participation in workshops – eg. Being a speaker/ moderator/ facilitator/ coordinator etc.;
  • Active participation in working meetings – eg. Meeting with potential project partners from other Black Sea countries with the purpose of regional project writing or planning, exchanging lessons learned in a regional context etc.;
  • Active participation in study visits – eg. Going in a study visit at the headquarters of an NGO, with the purpose of exchanging best practices in a regional context etc.

What we do not support: participation at events without any active role; participation at events that present no potential contribution to regional cooperation; participation at events organised in non-eligible countries; logistical organisation of events and meetings.

The Fund is awarded on an individual basis and can cover the following costs: international travel, accommodation, meals and local travel.

Proposals which fall into one or more of the thematic cooperation areas part of the revised "Strategic Framework for Civil Society Cooperation in the Black Sea Region" will be given priority: Knowledge Networks For Development; Anti-Corruption; Civic Engagement; Youth Engagement; Culture & Education; Sustainable Development; Youthbanks; Human Rights; Networking; Media & Communication ; CSO Sustainability & Resilience; Environment & Climate Change; Sustainable Development & Corporate Social Responsibility; Volunteering Development.

However, other thematic areas with potential for regional cooperation might be taken into consideration.

The financing cycle has two stages – the application and the reimbursement (only for the selected applicants).

1.The Application:

The application must include the following documents:

  • The application form;
  • The agenda of the seminar/ workshop/ working meeting/ study visit;
  • The CV of the applicant;
  • A motivation letter explaining the relevance of the application for the objective of the Mobility Fund, the active participation in the activity, follow-up plans, and potential coordination with the Black Sea NGO Forum.

The application must be sent by e-mail at fond.romania@gmail.com at least 15 days prior to the date the seminar/ workshop/ working meeting/ study visit takes place.

In maximum 10 days from the confirmation receipt of the application, the applicant will receive by e-mail a positive or negative response with regard to the award of the financial support.

Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.

2. Reimbursement (only for the selected applicants).

For more information about the application process, we kindly invite you to consult the following documents.