English   14426 НПО

Европейска комисия: Покана за предложения за популяризиране на равенството и за борба срещу расизма, ксенофобията и дискриминацията

Срок за кандидатстване: до 10.02.2022 г.

Подробности ще намерите на страницата на Европейската комисия.


The objective is to support a comprehensive and intersectional approach and specific actions to prevent and fight against intolerance, racism, xenophobia, and discrimination, in particular on grounds of racial or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, including when this manifests in the form of antigypsism, antisemitism, anti-Muslim hatred, Afrophobia and LGBTIQ phobia, offline and online.

The following priorities will be financed:

  •     Fighting against intolerance, racism, xenophobia, discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes
  •     Promoting diversity management and inclusion at the workplace, both in the public and private sector
  •     Fighting discrimination against LGBTIQ people and promoting LGBTIQ equality through the implementation of the LGBTIQ Equality Strategy
  •     Preventing, reporting and countering hate speech online
  •     Restricted to public authorities to improve their responses to (intersectional) discrimination, racism and xenophobia, in particular, based on racial or ethnic origin, religion, or colour as well on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics

For more information please see the Call document.