European Social Fund: Social innovations for a fair green and digital transition (ESF-2022-SOC-INNOV)
The call aims to develop and test integrated and inclusive social innovation approaches – in schools or training centres, at work or in local communities, or other relevant environments - to foster just green and digital transitions, by:
- identifying and addressing (re-/up-)skilling and (re-)training needs stemming from new, green or digital products, services or technologies;
- fostering social acceptance and/or behavioural changes for more sustainable business models, consumption patterns and/or modes of transport;
- developing sustainability pathways and transformation tools for social economy actors;
- tailor solutions to the particular contexts starting from general models, such as the City Doughnut or macro level climate adaptation solutions, to other, business or local environments;
- promoting the implementation of the EPSR principle 20. Essential services, including energy, mobility and digital communications, in the context of the green and digital transitions.
The main objective is to enable and step up a fair green and digital transition by promoting and disseminating inclusive social innovation approaches in the areas above.
The foreseen results include:
- Greater uptake of new green and digital technologies
- New trainings to endow European citizens to make the most out the green and digital transitions
- Increase social acceptance and ownership for fairer and more sustainable business models
- Develop transformation tools for social economy actors
- Engage with local, regional, national authorities, as well as social partners and civil society at large to maximise the impact
The call aims to
develop and test integrated and inclusive social innovation approaches – in schools or training centres, in the social economy, at work or in
local communities, or other relevant environments - to foster just green and digital transitions, by pursuing and implementing one or several of the following activities: (i) identifying and addressing
(re-/up-)skilling and (re-)training needs stemming from new, green or
digital products, services or technologies; (ii) fostering social
acceptance and/or behavioural changes for more sustainable business
models, including in the social economy, consumption patterns and/or
modes of transport; (iii) developing sustainability pathways and
transformation tools for social economy actors; (iv) promoting the
implementation of principle 20 of the European Pillar of Social Rights
on access to essential services, including energy, mobility and digital
communications, in the context of the green and digital transitions.