Minority Rights Group International обявява грант за малки организации, работещи за правата и приобщаването на малцинства (обновена на 16.12.2022 г.)
Срок за кандидатстване: от 12.12.2022 г. до 15.01.2023 г.
Целта на безвъзмездната помощ е да се изгради капацитета на граждански организации, представляващи уязвими групи чрез годишни субсидии.
Крайният срок за кандидатстване в тазгодишната програма е 15 януари 2023 г., а максималният размер на финансирането за всяка от организациите е 15 000 евро. Срокът за изпълнение на проектите е февруари 2023 г. – ноември 2023 г. Спектърът от дейности, които се финансират в рамките на проект MARIO – Minorities, Accountability, Rights, Independence, Organizational development е широк, като освен финансиране на проектите предлага и годишни международни срещи на организациите бенефициенти от България, Полша, Словакия, Унгария, Хърватия, Латвия, Литва, Чехия, Естония, Румъния и Словения.
ВАЖНО: Съдъжанието на документите за кандидатстване е обновено от донора на 16 декември 2022 г.
Minority Rights Group Europe is seeking to support smaller, rural organizations with grants to build a supportive environment for small CSOs engaged in the promotion of minority inclusion and rights across Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Latvia, Czech, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania, and Slovenia. We aim to select, provide financial support, and build the capacity of grass-root CSOs representing vulnerable groups, with annual grants.
Types of activities we support
- Local accountability projects i.e., community-local authority problem solving workshops and dialogues
- Activities that investigate, address, or publicise gaps or failures in the rule of law
- Projects that contribute to democratic participation, including civic responsibility education projects, and advocacy with local authorities or relevant political parties for inclusion of minority
- Legal capacity projects and campaigns that build communities’ legal capacity to access justice mechanisms to achieve their rights i.e., direct legal advice, mediator training, legal support involving violation of the rights of minorities.
- Local advocacy projects and campaigns that give voice to local minority (and majority) concerns and support policy changes to address challenges and failings.
- Watchdog and monitoring activities on EU policies and rights and values under the EU Treaties and the Charter
- Organisation of civic platforms and civic dialogues linked to EU rights and values themes, coalitions and partnerships among CSOs and minority CSOs
- Research, data collection, producing evidence/reports for advocacy, strategy and planning meetings, monitoring and publications to influence local policy and decision-making
- Trainings of community members on their rights and/or anti-discrimination measures
- Creative communications campaigns, and awareness raising initiatives.
- School activities and awareness raising to minority youth on their rights
Projects must be EUR 15,000.
Projects must be implemented between 1st February 2023 and 30th November 2023.
The maximum project duration is 10 months.
Deadline: 15 January 2023
Application documents (updated by the donor on 16 December 2022)