English   14461 НПО

Покана на ЕК за предложения на организации на гражданското общество, действащи по защита и популяризиране на ценностите на ЕС

Срок за кандидатстване: до 07.03.2024 г.
 Покана за посредници за предоставяне на финансова подкрепа на трети лица.



The overall aim of this call for proposals is to protect, promote and raise awareness of fundamental rights and of EU values by supporting local, regional and/or national civil
society organisations and increasing their capacity.

The purpose of this call is to select and support a limited number of intermediaries in EU Member States, capable of building the capacities of a large number of CSOs active at local, regional and/or national level in the fields covered by the CERV programme, including through providing them with financial support.

Reach out to grassroot small, remote, and rural based CSOs: intermediaries  should give priority to grass-root small, remote and rural based organisations, which tend to have more limited capacity and funding sources.

A civil society organisation (CSO) is to be understood as an organisational structure whose members serve the general interest through a democratic process, and which
plays the role of mediator between state authorities and citizens15. The EU considers CSOs to include all non-State, not-for-profit structures, that are non-partisan and nonviolent, and that promote and protect the fundamental rights and values on which the EU is founded16.

Themes and priorities (scope)

The priorities of this call are:

  • To strengthen the capacity and resilience of CSOs to protect and promote Union values including democracy and the respect of the rule of law;
  • To support CSOs in their efforts to protect, promote and raise awareness on fundamental rights and democratic values; 
  • To support dialogue, transparency, and good governance, also in cases where space for civil society is shrinking.
Applications must include the provision of financial support to CSOs (i.e., third parties) active at local, regional, and national level, which promote and protect fundamental rights and Union values, and which carry out activities in the fields covered by the CERV programme.

More information.