English   14461 НПО

Покана на Европейската комисия за „Подкрепа на транснационални проекти за юридическо обучение по гражданско право, наказателно право или основни права". Програма „Правосъдие"

Срок за кандидатстване: до 21.03.2024 г.

JUST-2024-JTRA - Call for proposals for action grants to support transnational projects on training of justice professionals covering civil law, criminal law or fundamental rights 

In line with the Commission Communication ‘Ensuring justice in the EU — a European judicial training strategy for 2021-2024’7 , the primary objective of the call is to support training promoting the digitalisation of national justice systems. Training funded under this call are expected to build the “digital capacity” of justice professionals and promote the digital transition of judicial training methodologies, while also contributing to the effective and coherent application of EU law in the areas of civil law, criminal law, and
fundamental rights, including non-discrimination, equality, and the rule of law.

Funding will be provided for training activities and tools for training providers, as described below, in order to support training activities for:
1) members of the judiciary and judicial staff, meaning judges, prosecutors, court and prosecution offices’ staff, other justice professionals associated with the judiciary, such as lawyers in private practice, notaries, bailiffs, insolvency practitioners and mediators, as well as court interpreters and translators, prison and probation staff; and/or 
2) justice professionals in initial / induction training, and/or
3) multipliers, such as judicial trainers or EU law court coordinators, where there are guarantees that the multipliers will pass on their knowledge to justice professionals in a systematic way, and/or 
4) cross-professional training, in order to stimulate discussions across justice professions about the application of EU law and contribute to a European judicial culture across professional boundaries on precisely identified topics of relevance to the concerned professions.

More information.