Програма „Творческа Европа". Покана „Новини – Медийна грамотност".
Срок за кандидатстване: до 07.03.2024 г.
Within the specific objective to promote policy cooperation and innovative actions supporting all strands of the Programme and to promote a diverse, independent and pluralistic media environment and media literacy, thereby fostering freedom of artistic expression, intercultural dialogue and social inclusion, the priorities of the CROSS SECTORAL strand shall promote cross-sectoral activities that aim at adjusting to the
structural and technological changes faced by the media, including enhancing a free, diverse, and pluralistic media environment, quality journalism and media, literacy including in the digital environment.
Themes and priorities (scope)
The CROSS SECTORAL strand shall provide support to cross-cutting actions that support the news media sector, which shall promote media literacy in order to enable citizens to use, and develop a critical understanding of, the media and support knowledge sharing and exchanges on media literacy policies and practices.
Support will encourage knowledge sharing and exchanges on media literacy policies and practices to enable the development of innovative cross-border media literacy initiatives and communities across Europe, in a continuously changing digital media landscape and taking into account current user behaviour among various age groups.
Activities that can be funded (scope)
Support is foreseen for collaborative projects with clearly defined objective(s) to advance/target specific area(s)/goal(s) within the field of media literacy, addressing at least two of the following areas of activities:
1. Activities building on, sharing and scaling up best practices from innovative media literacy projects that take into account a changing media ecosystem, especially by crossing cultural, country or linguistic borders and strengthening collaboration between different regions of Europe.
2. Developing innovative, interactive online toolkits to provide solutions to existing and future challenges in the online environment, including
3. Developing materials and toolkits to enable citizens to develop a critical approach to the media, and to recognise and appropriately react to
4. Develop media literacy practices adapted to the changing media environment including manipulative techniques and AI-based media production.
All proposals should consider citizen inclusiveness, civic engagement and participatory culture as a fundamental aspect of their proposal. Applicants should cooperate actively with the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) regional hubs with a view to sharing good practice and avoid overlaps in the media literacy initiatives to be covered.
The following types of activities are eligible under this Call for proposals:
(1) Creation and/or distribution of multilingual and/or multicultural material, including interactive content to improve the digital capacities of citizens and their understanding of the media landscape and their resilience against disinformation.
(2) Development of materials for citizens and trainers targeting all or any age and societal groups.
(3) Development of innovative media literacy solutions fit for the future media landscape (the project can include prototypes, but not focus exclusively on ITdevelopment).
(4) Training activities for citizens and educators, including sharing of best practices across linguistic, state and cultural borders.
(5) Organisation of public events and/or workshops to raise awareness and share best practices.
(6) Community-led activities to tailor and make accessible the above-mentioned tools and materials.