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Организация от Македония търси водещ партньор за кандидастване по програма за трансгранично сътрудничество между България - Македония


The Association for Social Development Forum Futura is an NGO from Strumica, Macedonia and its main goals and objectives are to develop and improve the legal, economic, cultural and other fields relevant to the overall social development of the Republic of Macedonia.

We are currently looking for a Lead Project Partner for the current IPA CBC Bulgaria Macedonia project call. 

The Association aims at developing and improving the multi-dimensional economic, educational, cultural and other regional and broader cooperation and policy-making in the respective areas. The Association was established in 2015 and is has implemented a project supported by the German Foundation Schüler Helfen Leben, From People to People, Emergency Relief Program in Macedonia. The founding team of the Association has been involved in implementing project for the previous IPA CBC Bulgaria Macedonia. The team has been also involved in a variety of local and other international projects. Amongst them is Development of rural communities, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, UNESCO Professional involvement, Educational programs and others.

Contact: Verica Babamova-Tsenova

E-mail: forumfutura.mk@gmail.com , verica.babamova@gmail.com

Източник: Association for Social Development Forum Futura, Macedonia , 28 февруари 2018 г.

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