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3 cooks = 1 dinner (cooking class) vol. 1

3 cooks = 1 dinner (cooking class) vol. 1
We all love international food & friends, right? So we asked ourselves the question: What would happen if we bring 3 cooks from 3 different countries to teach YOU how to make their signature national dish and share their stories? Let’s meet on 12 June at 18:30 in the Multi Kulti Center (5 Chernomen Str., Sofia) to enjoy cooking, sharing, drinking good wine and have fun!

More info - https://www.facebook.com/events/676807819406933/

- Early bird ticket before 9 June - 40 leva
- Normal ticket after 10 June - 50 leva

The ticket includes preparation of the 3-course international menu (starter, main, dessert) and tasting it together, water and 1 glass of wine from Vino Orenda Wine Shop

Registration - https://event.gg/12694/

The event is organised as a part of the project "Multi Kulti Center in the Capital of Tolerance: Co-creation and First Steps" implemented by Multi Kulti Collective with the financial support of Sofia Municipality, Europe Programme 2019 and we're pleased to offer full scholarships to representatives of vulnerable groups. 50% of the participant's fees are covered by the project. Please send your motivation on info@multikulti.bg or message us on Facebook.
More about the project - http://multikulti.bg/project/center

This event will be held in English. 
Would you like to be the next host? Please write to info@multikulti.bg or message us on Facebook.

A special partner of the class is the amazing French bakery caramel.bg

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Мулти култи колектив

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