International conference „Investing in social challenge"
„Making money is happiness. And that's a great incentive. Making other people happy is super-happiness." Muhammad Yunus.
The international conference Investing in Social Challenges aims at drawing the attention of the main stakeholders of social
entrepreneurship development in Bulgaria, Greece, UK, Belgium and other
countries to discuss the ways of fostering social entrepreneurship
through upgrading the knowledge and skills as well as learning methods
and tools for boosting positive impact.
The invited participants are social entrepreneurs, impact
enablers, business leaders, think-tanks, policy makers, professionals
who consult, mentor, advice, train, coach and facilitate social
enterprises, institutional investors, social impact funds managers, bank managers, business angels, professional organizations of the investors, etc.
The event is organized within the project Boost Aid for Social Entrepreneurship through Training, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.
For registration:
or use the link :
Публикувано от:
Сдружение "Европейски перспективи"Сходни публикации
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