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Training: Examine the theory and practice of global citizenship education (GCE) with Vanessa Andreotti

Training: Examine the theory and practice of global citizenship education (GCE) with Vanessa Andreotti
Don’t miss the chance to take part in a Train the Trainers (TTT) workshop with Vanessa Andreotti

Dr. Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti is a Professor of Global Education at the University of Oulu, Finland. Drawing on postcolonial and postcritical theories, her research focuses on educational patterns of representations and engagements with otherness, inequalities and global change.


Organizer: Bulgarian Platform for International Development (BPID)

Location: Sofia, Bulgaria

Venue: TBC

Dates: 23 – 25 July 2019

Working language: English

Activists and practitioners working in the field of global citizenship education or other value-based education, as well as development cooperation, SDGs or other related.

Eligible countries to apply:
The participant applying to this TTT should be a citizen or a practitioner working (at the time of application) in one of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Greece, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, and Bridge 47 partner countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Scotland, Slovakia and Slovenia, other EU member state or a country included in the DAC OECD list of ODA recepients.

Only the first 25-30 applications will be reviewed by the organizer and the selected applicants that match the above noted target will be contacted. Number of approved participants will be 30 people.

What will the participants learn?
This TTT will give participants tools to examine critically the theory and practice of global citizenship education (GCE) and to experience innovative methodologies for deepening reflections and widening relationships in their contexts of work. Through intellectual and experiential exercises, the TTT will offer a set of maps and experiences that will support participants to explore the edges of their ideas and prototypes for social change and unlock new in their pedagogical practice. The seminar will include exercises that support participants to:

  • Identify and transform problematic on-going patterns of North-South engagement that tend to be hegemonic, ethnocentric, depoliticized, ahistorical, paternalistic and offer uncomplicated solutions (HeadsUP tool);
  • Develop complex, systemic, multi-layered, and multi-voiced questions and analyses that challenge and provide alternatives to simplistic solutions to global injustices (step back, look at the bigger picture and “dig deeper”);
  • Be sensitized to different understandings and experiences of wellbeing, fairness and global justice;
  • Clarify, test and unpack assumptions and the implications of ideas without fear of judgment;
  • Acquire/develop languages/vocabularies to name and productively host tensions, conflict, and paradoxes;
  • Cultivate awareness of how we are implicated in the problems we are trying to address;
  • Move reciprocally from theory to practice and from practice to theory, understanding the essential and dynamic link between theory and practice and valuing each equitably;
  • Open our social and ecological imagination to different forms of knowing and being, and different futurities beyond a single story of progress, development and evolution;
  • Sense our connectedness with and responsibility towards each other and the planet;
  • Weave local and global CARE-ful coalitions that advance critically informed approaches to global justice in multiple contexts, and engage constructively with difficult issues that emerge in processes of deep intercultural, intergenerational, and intersectional learning and change.

This TTT will be based on the booklet „Global Citizenship Education Otherwise“ published by the Decolonial Futures Collective. Participants are encouraged to read the information before the event at decolonialfutures.net/gce

Participation fee:

  • representatives of small and medium CSOs – 20 Euros;
  • representatives of big CSOs – 50 Euro;

* Special free participation may be considered on request and on the organizer’s judgment

Accommodation and travel:
The organizer does not cover participants’ accommodation and travel costs. Meals and coffee brakes will be provided according to the agenda.

Please apply no later than 12 July 2019, 11 AM EET. Note that the application form will be closed in the announced date and time.

You can apply HERE

Сходни публикации

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