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Balkan Youth Startup Competition - Online Event

Balkan Youth Startup Competition - Online Event

Balkan Youth Startup Competition

Online Event

13th July - 23rd July 2020

National Tourism Cluster “Bulgarian Guide” organizes a Balkan Youth Startup Competition entirely online. The transnational challenge will be held in the period 13th July 2020 – 23rd July 2020.  During the Start-Up Competition you will have the chance to work in an international team and share ideas, to develop business models and plans with peers from Albania, Bulgaria, Greece and North Macedonia. Mentors with different expertise will supervise your work and help you create your virtual business company. Quizzes and lots of games will spice up your ideas and thoughts and will lead you through the endgame.


Get ready for the next BIG CHALLENGE!


• 4 countries - Albania, Bulgaria, Greece and North Macedonia

• More than 15 international mentors

• Reputable international jury

• Great awards and experience


The event will start on Monday, July 13th from 13:30 PM EET on the GoToMeeting video conferencing platform.


If you are between 16-30 years old and what to take our challenge (special awards are planned for the best 3 teams), reserve your spot and we will send you the information to join the Competition.


Registration here


Facebook event here



The event is part of the activities under the project TRANS-EDU-NET, "Transnational Educational Network for young people - new technologies and entrepreneurial thinking in the tourism industry", BMP1/1.3/2290/2017, funded by the Interreg V-B, Balkan - Mediterranean Programme 2014-2020.

Сходни публикации

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Бизнес идея „Смолян 360 Bike&Run” спечели първа награда на Академията за начинаещи предприемачи BASE в Смолян

Бизнес план „Смолян 360 Bike&Run” за организиране на състезание по колоездене и бягане спечели първа награда и премия от 4000

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Включете се в LEAP – Програма за лидерски умения на Фондация „Америка за България“

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