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Еразъм+ тренинг в Словакия "Разрешаване на конфликти чрез методи, вдъхновени от театъра"

Еразъм+ тренинг в Словакия ”Разрешаване на конфликти чрез методи, вдъхновени от театъра”

  • Краен срок за записване: 3-ти октомври 2022 г. или до запълване на местата
  • Infopack: ТУК

The project Deep It (Conflict Resolution through Theater Methodology) is a training course where 24 from 8 partners organisations will meet to develop their competencies in the field of human rights education, protection, conflit analise, conflict resolution, peacebuilding activities , promoting tolerance, respect, solidarity, intercultural learning. Participants will learn about diverse non-formal methodology especially theatrical methods to work with youth within the conflict resolution and peacemaking activities.

Participant profile
- communicative level of English
- age limit minimum 20 years old
- active youth workers, leaders daily working with youth
- motivation to experience NFE methodology
- motivation to take active part in all workshops during the activity
- willing to promote the project during all phases via social media
- willing to make the follow up activities

Arrival / Departure
- The training course starts on the 16th and finish on 26th of October (the 16th
and 26th are the travel days). The workshops would start in the morning of 17th of October and finish on 25th of October in the evening . Taking part in all activities is obligatory to fully reimburse travel costs.
- You can come to Slovakia 2 days before or after the main activities, however we cannot cover expenses
of your venue and meals before or after the project. It will not be possible to stay before or after project in Marina venue, because the venue is booked for other visitors.

  • За да заявите интерес и да се включите в проекта, обадете се на 0899993797 или пишете на tochkazapetaya@gmail.com.

*За да създаваме повече възможности за международи обучителни курсове и да сме партньори на такива проекти, както и да покриваме разходите си във връзка с администрирането им - събираме дарение към изпращащата организация партньор от България: 70 лева. Издаваме официален документ срещу дарението.

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Сходни публикации

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