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Кандидатствай за доброволец в Европейските игри Краков–Малополска 2023 (на английски език)

Кандидатствай за доброволец в Европейските игри Краков–Малополска 2023 (на английски език)

Become a volunteer at the European Games Kraków-Małopolska 2023! Recruitment has started!

Recruitment is underway for the European Games Kraków-Małopolska 2023 volunteer programme.

Today, Tuesday 11 October, the Organising Committee began the process of recruiting volunteers who will play an integral part in coordinating next year’s premier multisport event in Europe.

The European Games Kraków-Małopolska 2023 is right around the corner, with only eight months until the Opening Ceremony. The volunteer programme is the best way to become part of the largest sporting event to ever take place in Poland.

“I’ve met volunteers as a competitive athlete, then as a couch, to finally work with them as the Chef de Mission of the Polish Team,” said President of the Organizing Committee for the European Games 2023 Marcin Nowak.

“So I am fully aware that their role cannot be taken for granted. We place high emphasis on this project. After all, we deeply care about anyone who’s coming to Kraków, we want them to feel good, and we’ll do whatever we can to solve any issue that might occur along the way.”

“The volunteers will be very much needed during each and every step of the Games – even before the Opening and Closing Ceremonies. They will help us to keep in touch with fans and athletes from all around Europe. They will help journalists, referees and coaches. Working during Games will provide them with many opportunities to meet different people and make valuable friendships.”

An inclusive environment

Who are the organisers looking for? The main requirement is age: volunteers must be sixteen or over by the time the Games start in June, and there's no such thing as “too old”. Volunteers can be students, workers, or even senior citizens. Fluent communication in English is required, and volunteers must be available for at least eight days during the event period from December to April 2023.

We are looking for people who are active, willing to help, open minded and have a passion for the Olympic Movement. No previous volunteering experience is needed; volunteers will learn everything along the way. Working with us is a great opportunity to observe and participate in all the behind the scenes action of one of the world’s biggest sporting events. “I can assure you, this a once in a lifetime adventure” – said Nowak.

Starter pack and insurance

Every volunteer will be given a starter pack, which includes clothing and gadgets. The Organising Committee will also provide: food while at work, free public transport, the NNW insurance, the necessary training and a certificate. For anyone outside of the Lesser Poland region, accommodation will be provided.

To become a volunteer, candidates need to successfully complete a two-stage recruitment process. The first step will require you to register on the Volunteer Website and fill out the form. The link is available here: https://ie2023.pl/en/volunteering. The second stage is an online interview for selected applicants. The registration form will be available until 15 January 2023, and interviews will take place between December 2022 to April 2023.

Thirteen incredible days of sporting memories

The event will take place from 21 June to 2 July 2023. Kraków and Śląsk are the official hosts of the Games. Both the Opening and Closing Ceremonies will take place at the City Stadium in Kraków. The twelve days of action at the European Games will deliver sporting competition of the highest standard. Athletes will compete in Kraków, Krynica Zdrój, Tarnów, Zakopane, Chorzów and Wrocław.

Източник: Български олимпийски комитет , 13 октомври 2022 г.

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