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Find your unique ikigai: Guided mastermind group

Find your unique ikigai: Guided mastermind group

Join us for the second part of our interactive workshop on finding and living your ikigai, a.k.a. reason for being.

This part will be a practical mastermind - a group collaboration to share knowledge and ideas, and support each other's growth and development.
You're welcome either if you have attended the previous workshop, or have already found your ikigai (check out free YouTube videos!).

You can attend the workshop on 16 March at 18:30 at Networking Premium Coworking Gurko (same location) https://fb.me/e/2lT2n4ZHr

During this mastermind, we'll go deeper into each person's questions and thoughts about their reason for being and what they might need to follow and live it. Attendees will have a chance to ask their own questions and give support and advice to other participants. Everyone is encouraged to take the conversations out of the workshop into their lives and collaborate together.

This workshop is perfect for anyone who wants to:
  • Find meaning and purpose in their life
  • Create an action plan to achieve their goals
  • Connect with like-minded individuals
  • Build a network and collaborate on their projects
You don't need any prior experience. Bring your ikigai map from the previous workshop or your own work, and a notebook if you like taking notes. No other equipment is necessary.

We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Date and time: 30 March, 18:30
  • Location: Networking Premium Coworking Gurko Panorama, Ul. Gurko 16, Sofia
  • The event is offered free of charge, however, donations are welcome to support the work of Open Bulgaria
  • RSVP: Please register with this form - https://forms.gle/cyMSrQWWTYsBVAp66
The workshop series will be led by Anastasiia Dehtiarova, Co-Founder and General manager at Open Bulgaria. Ana has been publishing educational materials on personal development, leadership and mental health for 2+ years and is the author of the book “Blissful: A guidebook for growing humans”.

This series of events is a collaboration between Open Bulgaria, Multi Kulti Collective and Networking Premium Coworking.

The event is part of the Migrants Got Talent project financed by the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria.

Публикувано от:

Мулти култи колектив

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