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Open-air Cooking Class: Polish Pierogi

Open-air Cooking Class: Polish Pierogi

Have you ever tried Polish pierogi? They are first cousins to Siberian pelmeni, Ukrainian varenki and Italian ravioli. They can have all kinds of fillings, starting with different types of meat, going through vegetables (some of the most popular ones are mushrooms, cabbage, potatoes) and ending up with fruits such as blueberry and strawberry. The variations are endless. In any case, they are delicious!

Since Bulgaria has no Polish restaurant (as far as we know) we are super excited to invite you to an open-air cooking class where the Polish passionate home cook Marcin Puzio will teach us how to make them and let us try three kinds of filling – meat, veggies and fruits. To make it even better there will also be a cold soup which is something similar to Bulgarian tarator.

What’s even nicer is that this open-air cooking class will take place right in the heart of the big HranKoop farmers’ festival “Culinary treasures from near and far” in front of the National Palace of Culture in Sofia (NDK). Take a look at the main Facebook event as the programme is filled with various concerts, workshops as well as numerous food and artisanal food stands - https://www.facebook.com/events/1811096672623963

When: 27 May 2023, 14:00 – 16:00  

Where: HranKoop Farmers’ Festval in front of NDK (exact location – https://rb.gy/829xx)

If you cannot find the place, please feel free to call Ralitsa - +359 88 346 8348

The event is offered free of charge; however, registration is compulsory – https://forms.gle/1FbDkWN8v38iAbV7A

The event will be held in English.

Our host will be Marcin Puzio. He is from Poland and he loves food. He likes to make people happy by cooking for them.


The Migrants Got Talent project is supported by the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria.

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Мулти култи колектив

Сходни публикации

Работилница за персийски безалкохолни коктейли освежи софиянци

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