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Vitality | ESC long term volunteering in Bergolo, Italy

Vitality | ESC long term volunteering in Bergolo, Italy

Open call

VITALITY is an individual ECV volunteering that allows young people to participate in the day-to-day work of an organization for 12 months. Participants will be engaged in various tasks that the organization carries out - from permaculture gardening and festivals to the "behind the scenes" of Erasmus+ projects.
Volunteers will experience a year in a different reality, discover new passions and strengthen hidden talents. The project provides training opportunities in the field of youth work through involvement in projects for young people organized locally and internationally.

Where? Bergolo, Italy
When? September 2023 - September 2024

Travel expenses are reimbursed
Всеки доброволец ще получава месечни джобни пари в размер на 150 евро възстановяване на разходи за храна до 150 евро на месец.

За хора на възраст 18-30 години, жители на една от страните по програма „Еразъм+", без необходимост от виза за влизане в Италия.

Повече информация: https://www.newellnesseducation.com/vitality-2023?fbclid=IwAR2wECALPLD4pXe5I8YM1ih4JFOZCbLuXE5mzUofDSoqM7fJXzjfbW-oHiY

Формуляр за кандидатстване: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGOUS2ItemK8NuzvUiz9JUM4s85PV6btHIw4gDHAmNAR7xXg/viewform?fbclid=IwAR2TxN2SEEhm596dThoLlOVc9gLSQXZ5icc536MBb_1l86VgHLoL_5U1Jzs&pli=1

Свободни места - 2

Краен срок за кандидатстване: възможно най-скоро, подходящите кандидати ще бъдат потвърдени в движение


VITALITY is ESC Individual volunteering, which lets young people participate in the daily work of organisation for 12 months. Participants will be involved in various tasks that our organisation carries out, from permaculture gardening and festivals to "backstage" of Erasmus+ projects.

Volunteers will experience themselves outside of their local reality, they will discover new passions, and enhance hidden talents. The project provides learning opportunities in the field of youth work by getting involved in projects for young people organized at the local and international level.

Where? Bergolo, Italy
When? September 2023 - September 2024

Travel costs are reimbursed
Each volunteer will receive monthly pocket money of 150€ reimbursement for food expenses up to 150€ per month

For people 18-30 years old, residents of one of the Erasmus+ program countries with no visa needed to enter Italy.
More info: https://www.newellnesseducation.com/vitality-2023?fbclid=IwAR2wECALPLD4pXe5I8YM1ih4JFOZCbLuXE5mzUofDSoqM7fJXzjfbW-oHiY

Application form:


Places available - 2

Deadline to apply: ASAP, fitting candidates will be confirmed on the go
This project is created in cooperation with Associazione Vagamondo and Parco Culturale Alta Langa and co-funded by the European Union

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Фондация "Смокиня"

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