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Brazilian cooking class #2

Brazilian cooking class #2

PLEASE NOTE: No participants from the last Brazilian classes are eligible to allow more people to experience Brazilian cuisine and culture. Thank you for your understanding!

What comes to mind when you think about Brazil? Beaches, music, football, carnival and... amazing food, of course! Join Botequim da Sil - Brazilian Food in Bulgaria, Botequim da Sil - Paris and Multi Kulti Collective for a tasty cooking class focused on a very special dish - Baião de dois. It consists of rice, beans and some vegetables. There will be a meat and vegetarian version.

This month, Botequim da Sil - Brazilian Food in Bulgaria celebrates 6 years of being in Bulgaria. The big news is that they just opened their first international franchise in Paris! In September, their guest chef from Paris is visiting Sofia so you can meet him too!

In additon: be prepared for some extra special things you can order - the ultimate Brazilian cocktail Caipirinha and the traditional Brazilian sweets brigadeiros - rich, creamy, and delicious. Oh my, WE ARE EXCITED!!

When: 22 Sept 2023, 18:00 - 20:00
Where: Salted Cafe Sofia, 38 Bratya Miladinovi Str.

The event is offered free of charge, however, registration is compulsory - https://forms.gle/m4iSJiMnbBCZZLCTA
The event will be held in English.

The Migrants Got Talent project is supported by the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria.

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