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Jamaica: Cultural Bites x Multi Kulti Kitchen

Jamaica: Cultural Bites x Multi Kulti Kitchen

The African-Caribbean Cultural Center (ACCC), at the Department of African and Indo-Pacific Studies in Sofia University, in partnership with the National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA), and Multi Kulti Collective are delighted to invite you to join us at a special event which will promote Jamaican culture and cuisine.

Our guest host Patrick Anderson, Jamaican national and food connoisseur, will present the culture of Jamaica through food and music. Patrick will facilitate a cooking class on some of Jamaica’s popular dishes, and lead an interactive discussion on the evolution of Jamaican music.

Our special musical guests, Roots Rocket Acoustic, SEN I (vocals and guitar), Dizzy Grooves (percussions) and Moni (guitar), will bring it to life with African rhythms and Jamaican grooves. „Feel di riddim"!

Our meetup is divided into consecutive sessions:
  • We will start with a cooking session with Patrick who will teach us how to prepare 5 typical Jamaican dishes (14:00 - 15:30, 10 people max). There will be vegetarian options too. To participate, please register here - https://forms.gle/fQPgd1yXMYkBtZbM9
  • After the cooking we invite you to join our cultural programme: discussion, musical jam session and food tasting (15:30 - 17:00, 40 people max). Please register here - https://forms.gle/C8roXy5qESzK2B3p7
IMPORTANT: If you wish to attend both parts, you need to register for BOTH.

When: 22 October 2023 (Sunday), 14:00 for the cooking session, and 15:30 for the cultural event
Where: Salted Café Sofia, 38 Bratya Miladinovi Str.

he event is offered free of charge; however, registration is compulsory (please refer to the links above).

The event will be held in English.

Come vibe with us. Learn the history. Feel the music. Taste the food. Be a part of this super intercultural event!


It’s the first edition of “Cultural Bites”, an initiative that aims to present “bites” of the cuisine, culture, and history of different African and Caribbean countries to the wider Bulgarian public and of course to all foodies interested in their culinary traditions. Through these exciting cultural and food journeys we want to promote and celebrate cultural diversity and heritage, while creating intercultural connections and friendships.

The event is also part of the Multi Kulti Kitchen initiative which has been fostering two-way integration and diversity by presenting foreign cultures and cuisines since 2011. It has been recognized as best practice at the national and EU levels, including by the European Commission and European Cultural Foundation in Amsterdam, among others. Since 2015, such local events have been organized all across the country as a social franchise.

The Migrants Got Talent project is supported by the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria.

Публикувано от:

Мулти култи колектив

Сходни публикации

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