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The Anatomy of a Song with Jamie Mc Donald

The Anatomy of a Song with Jamie Mc Donald

Jamie McDonald has dedicated his life to the song. From an early age, he was enraptured by the magic of Beethoven, The Beatles, The Beastie Boys, The Buckleys, and many many more. Across 8 self-penned albums, he has explored folk, blues, rock, jazz, and beyond, always searching for new ways to challenge himself and engage audiences.

In this workshop Anatomy of a Song, Jamie will bring you through ways to create, explore, adapt and overcome blocks and inhibitions by taking apart a song from beginning to end. This class will help you continue to do what you love in new and ever-innovative ways.

Here you can find more information about him: https://www.facebook.com/ManFromCarlow

When: 23 Nov 2023, 18:30
Where: RockSchool, 89 Hristo Botev Blvd, Sofia

The event is offered free of charge. 
Just register here:

The event will be held in English.

Please do not bring your musical instruments as there will be no time to use them.

The event is organized by Jamie Mc Donald, RockSchool and Multi Kulti Collective.

Multi Kulti Collective (MKC) is one of the leading Bulgarian not-for-profit organizations working on migrant and refugee integration, community development and human rights since 2011. It operates both on grass-root and policy level to achieve bigger impact and social change both nationally and European. MKC has a successful track record in big national media campaigns, awareness-raising, using arts and culture for social change, innovative training, solid research, comprehensive monitoring of national integration policies, policy analysis, strategic advocacy. MKC’s projects have been featured as social innovations and best practices on national and EU level.

The Migrants Got Talent project is supported by the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria. 

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