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Лекция Jamaica, No Problem и дегустация

Лекция Jamaica, No Problem и дегустация

English Language Café, African-Caribbean Cultural Center (ACCC), at the Department of African and Indo-Pacific Studies in Sofia University and Multi Kulti Collective are delighted to invite you to a special lecture, food tasting and English language exchange.

Our host will be Patrick Anderson – a charming Jamaican, engineer, ex-military, lover of music, fine cuisine and guest lecturer at Sofia University. He has chosen the topic „Jamaica, No problem” because this is a common expression in Jamaica. It summarizes (and stereotypes) the attitude of Jamaican people. His 30-min talk will highlight a brief chronological sequence of significant events in the development of the peoples and culture, culminating in the reason why Jamaicans feel that whatever comes their way is “no problem".

Then we will have the chance to try Patrick’s authentic beef patties. There will be a vegetarian option too. It is a unique chance to taste a bite of Jamaica’s cuisine as there are no such restaurants in Bulgaria and probably, Patrick is the only Jamaican who lives here (as far as he knows)…

When: 24 January 2024 (Wednesday), 19:00 – 21:00
Where: Salted Café Sofia, 38 Bratya Miladinovi Str.

The event is offered free of charge; however, registration is compulsory - https://forms.gle/m4t3iwAc3L4A8dVB6

The event will be held in English.

The Migrants Got Talent project is supported by the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria. 

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Сходни публикации

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