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Make Your Own Deodorant: Natural Cosmetics Workshop

Make Your Own Deodorant: Natural Cosmetics Workshop
Solido Cosméticos Naturais and Multi Kulti Collective are happy to invite you to a cosy natural cosmetics workshop on Sunday. We will learn how to make a natural deodorant which is not harmful to the skin and the environment using all natural ingredients. We will also discuss the benefits of natural cosmetics in general and get inspired to use them and make them even more.

Please bring a 50 ml clean glass with spray or plastic reusable roll-on to take your deodorant home.

When: 11 February 2024, 15:00 – 16:00
Where: Salted Café Sofia, 38 Bratya Miladinovi Str., Sofia

The workshop is offered free of charge; however, registration is compulsory – https://forms.gle/bU8VQ6SpEcvp4B1d9

Solido Cosméticos Naturais (https://www.solidocosmeticos.com.br/) is a Brazilian family business, a collaboration between a mother and a daughter. The project aims to take care of health, beauty and the planet. Our workshop leader will be the daughter, Geisa, who is a biochemical engineer and has a PhD in Bioprocesses. She has more than 15 years of industrial and academic experience in production, including cosmetics and skincare. She has lived in 6 countries on 3 different continents. Currently, she calls Bulgaria her home. She is the one developing all formulas at Solido Cosméticos Naturais and will be happy to share her experience with us!
The workshop will be held in English.

The Migrants Got Talent project is supported by the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria.

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