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Polish Doughnuts Cooking Class

Polish Doughnuts Cooking Class

This Sunday, wake up early, go to the fitness, the mountain, the pool – just make sure to burn enough calories because… in the afternoon, Marcin from Ambasada Polskich Smaków is hosting again!

Just listen to him:

„Everyone loves potatoes, so it will be the main dish. It comes in the form of potato pancakes served with sour cream or mushroom sauce. The dish is modest and simple, but there will be plenty of sensations for your taste buds.
We love desserts – and in Poland, a special place is reserved for PĄCZKI (polish donuts). A delicate, vanilla-buttery yeast cake, which, after frying, is stuffed with wonderfully sweet rose jam and topped with sweet and sour icing.”

When: 17 March 2024 (Sunday), 14:00 – 17:00
Where: Salted Café Sofia, 38 Bratya Miladinovi Str.

The event is offered free of charge; however, registration is compulsory – https://forms.gle/CXLGKdLkkxhL8z6y7
The event will be held in English.

Our host will be Marcin Puzio. He is from Poland and he loves food. He likes to make people happy by cooking for them.

The Migrants Got Talent project is supported by the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria.

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