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South Indian Cooking Class

South Indian Cooking Class

Embark on a flavorful journey through the aromatic landscapes of South India right here in Bulgaria! We are thrilled to invite you to an exclusive cooking class where you will learn to make the iconic Masala Dosa and Sambhar—staples that have tantalized taste buds across the globe with their intricate flavors and textures.

Masala Dosa, a delightful South Indian creation, is more than just food; it's a piece of culinary art. It originates from the southern part of India, where it has been a breakfast staple for centuries. Imagine a thin, crisp dosa (a fermented crepe made from rice batter and black lentils) enveloping a spicy mix of mashed potatoes, fried onions, and fragrant spices. The result is a perfect balance of crunchy texture outside with a soft, savory filling inside. Each bite is a burst of heavenly flavors, enhanced by dipping it into accompanying chutneys and the ever-so-comforting Sambhar.

Sambhar is a robust lentil stew, seasoned with tamarind, mustard seeds, and an assortment of vegetables. Each region of South India adds its own twist to this dish, making it wonderfully complex and irresistibly delicious. The tangy flavor from the tamarind complements the subtle sweetness of the vegetables, while traditional spices lend it a warmth that makes Sambhar an ideal companion to the dosa.

When: 22 April 2024 (Sunday), 19:00 – 21:00

Where: Salted Café Sofia, 38 Bratya Miladinovi Str.

The event is offered free of charge; however, registration is compulsory – https://forms.gle/wSy3p64ZRMJ3JxeK6

The event will be held in English.

Our host Bhushan Trivedi is an engineer by education, a social entrepreneur by profession, a fabulous home cook and recently, a street musician by passion.


The Migrants Got Talent project is supported by the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria.

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