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Hungarian Cooking Class | #UseYourVote

Hungarian Cooking Class | #UseYourVote

The European Union is incredibly tasty! So many amazing ingredients, methods, techniques, spices, flavours… You can catch the plane to enjoy a Portuguese pastel de nata, hop on the ferry to try the Swedish surströmming, or walk for hours to taste an Italian arancini… Today, we invite you to take the metro not only to try but to learn how to cook a typical Hungarian menu from A to Z! 

Our host Edina Zsolcsak-Dimitrova comes from Hungary. In 2003, she started a family in Bulgaria and has been living here with her husband and 4 children ever since. She currently works in the Department of Classical Philology, Hungarian Philology at Sofia University and teaches Hungarian. As there is currently no Hungarian restaurant in Sofia, she will lead an exciting cooking session for:
  • Goulash (beef stew-soup)
  • Classic cucumber salad
  • Traditional curd cake
We would like to welcome EU citizens from as many countries as possible. However, 1/3 of the spots are secured for Bulgarians. 

Where: Salted Café Sofia, 38 Bratya Miladinovi Str.

When: 21 May 2024 (Tuesday), 19:00 – 21:30 

The event will be held in English. It is offered free of charge. Kindly secure your spot by registering via the following link, as space is limited:

For Bulgarian citizens – https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/CookingClassBG210524
For other EU citizens – https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/CookingClass210524 

If you are an EU citizen #UseYourVote on the upcoming EU elections (9 June in Bulgaria). Times are challenging – geo-politically, technologically, economically… Europe’s future depend on us and the politicians we send to the European Parliament. 

The event is organized by the European Parliament Liaison Office in Bulgaria and Multi Kulti Collective with the financial support of the European Parliament. 

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Сходни публикации

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