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II Central and Eastern Europe & Central Asia Summer Academy on Business and Human Rights


Dear All,

It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of the registration (Apply now!) for the II Central and Eastern Europe & Central Asia Summer Academy on Business and Human Rights (The CEE&CA Summer Academy), that will take place over 5 working days between 25 September – 1 October, 2024.

The II CEE&CA Summer Academy is open only to nationals/citizens of CEE & Central Asia countries.

Full information about the Academy, incl. eligibility criteria and application process is available online at the CEE&CA Summer Academy website, You will find there also Programme.

Online application form is available here, however please note that its submission needs to be supplemented by sending CV and motivation statement to the Summer Academy Secretariat at ceeca-academy@pihrb.org.

The deadline for submitting applications is July 14th, 2024 (Sunday), 23:59 CEST. Applicants who submit their completed applications on time will be informed about the outcome of their selection process via email by July 29th, 2024.

Participants of the Summer Academy will obtain the knowledge, skills and competences that will allow them to support the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in their respective countries and companies, which will contribute to improvement in the respect for human rights in the context of business operations across the region. They will also gain the opportunity to become members of the CEE&CA BHR Association.

The participants will be expected to pay the fee of 250 Euro, or in case of it being waived, the administration fee of 25 Euro, within 3 weeks of receiving confirmation of acceptance. Applicants from NGOs, academia, public administration, and students can apply for the fee waiver already at the application stage.

The CEE&CA Summer Academy is organized by the Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business (PIHRB) and the Ukrainian Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University in partnership with the Global Business Initiative on Human Rights and in collaboration with the CEECA Resource Hub and the CEE Business and Human Rights Association. The Summer Academy 2024 is possible thanks to partial funding from Sigrid Rausing Trust funding and pro-bono engagement of PIHRB, YMNLU, GBI and other organizations.

We would greatly appreciate if you could share information about the II CEE&CA Summer Academy with those individuals from the region, who are interested in building their knowledge and skills in the Business and Human Rights area.

Information about the Summer Academy is also already available on social media – we encourage you to share this event on Facebook and LinkedIN to help us reach all potentially interested individuals.

Thank you very much in advance for your support!

With kind regards,

Co-directors of the CEE&CA Summer Academy

Beata Faracik, LL.M. and Dr Olena Uvarova


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