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The Resurgence of France: A Post-World War II Historical Journey

The Resurgence of France: A Post-World War II Historical Journey

Looking to expand your horizons and connect with like-minded people? The English Language Café and Multi Kulti Collective are pleased to invite you to “The Resurgence of France: A Post-World War II Historical Journey”

Join us at Salted Café for a discussion on the political evolution of France after World War II. Our speaker, Tsvetan, a 12th-grade student and the youngest facilitator at ELC, brings a wealth of passion to this topic as a dedicated Francophile.

Born and raised in Canada, Tsvetan is an active volunteer who is not only a facilitator and presenter at ELC but also volunteers with Multi Kulti, serves as an event liaison with ATD Quart Monde, and has organized workshops centered around democracy for the Sofia Bureau of the European Parliament. Tsvetan has been active with the BEST Foundation for multiple years and has won numerous local and international medals and trophies in American style debate competitions, both as an individual and as a team captain.

Expect a broad overview of how France's political scene transformed in the wake of the war, with plenty of opportunities for questions and discussion.
Following Tsvetan’s presentation, we will enjoy the ELC Bartender’s signature alcohol-free beverages, then continue the evening with engaging small-group conversations as part of our idea exchange in English.

Join us to get inspired, learn something new, practice your English, and meet remarkable people from all over the world!

When: September 25, 2024; 7-9 pm

Where: Salted Café Sofia, 38 Bratya Miladinovi Str.

5 lv entrance fee, cash only (includes a non-alcoholic beverage with complimentary refills); registration is required:


This event will be held entirely in English.

Публикувано от:

Мулти култи колектив

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