Обучение Play to Train в София за равенството на половете в спорта, 30-31 август 2019 г.
Краткосрочно обучение Play to Train в София за равенството на половете в спорта и включване на повече жени в спорта като треньори и ментори.
По време на обучението участниците ще бъдат запознати със специално разработена обучителна програма, която ще им позволи да подкрепят:
- жени да се включват в спортни активности,
- професионалните спортисти жени да продължават кариерата си в спорта като треньори и др.
Обучението е част от 2-годишен проект като всички участници ще бъдат поканени в последващото обучение по проекта в Словения.
Профил на участниците: жени и мъже спортисти (професионални и любители), преподаватели в спортни училища и университети, спортни треньори, ментори, младежки работници над 18 години, английски език на работно ниво
Такса за участие: 20 лева и включва храна, кафе паузи и материали по време на програмата
За проект Play to train:
Play to Train is based on the idea that increasing women’s participation in coaching would benefit the entire sport sector as well as will bring social and economic benefits, both for the sports sector and the wider society.
For this reason, the project aims to test and experiment concretely a sport programme which involves sport trainers, mentors and coaches which could enhance women’s participation in coaching.
In particular, the project Play To Train aims to:
1) promote the representation and participation of employed and volunteer female coaches in the coaching workforce at all levels;
2) increase the number of female coaches by creating tools that will encourage and support female coaches’ preparation at all levels also by setting an environment which favours their participation;
3) spread awareness about gender equality in sport at grassroots level as a means that contribute to the development of the sport field in general, involving all its potential.
In this respect, to achieve the objectives, the partners will start from a collection of good practices. The
research will be the base to create an educational programme to educate future mentors who will be able to assist potential female coaches in their respective countries to develop skills and knowledge that will enhance their professional and personal growth.
The testing phase of the educative programme will allow the partners for collecting a comprehensive tool to create a more gender equal environment where women can get into coaching and develop as coaches but also where women can receive more gender appropriate and inclusive coaching by male and female coaches.
The proposed activities will involve former athletes, coaches, potential future coach and will benefit sports organizations at all levels (local, regional, national, European and international).
At the end of the project an on line massive awareness campaign will be realized in order to disseminate and spread the result of the project and to educate sport members at the general benefit of promoting gender equality in sports.
Кандидатствай до 30 юни на https://goo.gl/forms/bKQ5CTPKJ6VxzcAT2
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